Mint Your Moonbeam Unicorns


0 | 8000

Price     3 GLMR


Once upon a time, on the magical plains of Moonbeam roamed herds of unicorns (and horses with lofty aspirations). Legend even speaks of unicorns with wings, manes of fire and rainbow or even unicorns made of gold, steel and ice!

Each with their own temperaments, colours and mane styles, now's your chance to secure one of the 8000 unicorns residing on Moonbeam.

With the art style inspired by the card game Unstable Unicorns, if you like the art, definitely check out the game and their other games. For the record, Moonbeam Unicorns isn't affiliated with Unstable Unicorns in any way, but as a huge fan of the games this has to be said.

Sneak Peaks


Moonbeam Unicorns